Sunday, September 2, 2007


I've got so many great and wonderful things to share. Shame that when this happens, often I'm too busy to blog. silly that
Firstly, on Monday - I finally went to willowbank wildlife reserve and saw kiwis! It's funny how many NZers have never seen a kiwi. We all know what they are and know what they look like. Afterall, the Kiwi is our national bird. But since they're nocturnal creatures, we actually often have to intentionally go looking to find them to actually see a real live one!

Now, here's a story unrelated to birds. There's a point so be patient... After snowboarding last weekend, my shoulders were killing me so I eventually got a massage mid-week. It's what happens when you're crap at snowboarding. Anyway, on my way from getting the massage, I walked into this expensive french reastaurant because they were looking for experienced staff. I thought it's be fun to work in a high class place. Well, I spoke to the owner briefly. She thought that I'd be good for the upstairs which is very ponsy :) had my trial on Monday night. I've got a job so now I'm working at Le bon bolii parttime. They were very impressed that I could carry 3 plates and do silver servicing without being trained. You'd hope that I could do these things after all the waitressing I've done.
Since they're going to keep me upstairs, it means that I need to focus on quality over quantity. Serving wine properly etc.... no need to rush around or any such thing which is great! Oh, there's also the bonus of getting french food too. Mmmmm

I've been sewing this week. I've made a pleated skirt and have nearly finished another skirt too. I'm quite happy with this second skirt because I didn't buy a pattern for it aaand I taught myself how to put a zip on. woo hoo! just need to do the hem then I'm done!

I'm sure that there's more going on in the life of Thida that's worthy of blogging but sleep is vital for survival and sanity. -Bedtime


Abigail... said...

OH MAN! Thida, there is no person more qualified to work in a "ponsy" french restaurant!!! I just wish I could come by and see you in action!!!

What fun! Honestly, I think there are certain jobs that are done more for the skills and life experiences than for anything else, so have fun :-)
(someone's birthday is coming up! hehehe)

Tda said...

Thanks babe :) It's lots of fun, I'm enjoying it for many reasons. My workmates are really nice and my boss is a very friendly and reasonable person. It's great to watch the dynamics at work too. Oh! and what a relief that I can do something that is completely unrelated to my future career. makes me a more awesomely well rounded person ;)