Saturday, February 3, 2007

Trip to a Marae in Akaroa

So much has happen since I last blogged so I'm not going to bother writing about everything. However, in a nutshell, Jesse came to visit and had a great time then I started clinical.

As part of my course, we had to spend 3 days on a Marae in Akaroa in order to learn about Maori health. I just got back from it. It was amazing! The setting was beautiful and the food was absolutely devine. And most importantly, the whole experience has made me appreciate and respect Maori people so much more. It's been an exhausting few days but I got a lot out of it and really enjoyed myself.

It was such a priveledge of be a part of the marae visit. The tutors that we had were all very passionate about Maori health which made the hole experience so much better. I think that I now have a much better understand about Maori health and feel more confident about treating Maori patients appropriately.

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