Friday, August 17, 2007

All is well - Red wine makes everything better ;)

Hmmm, so apparently there is still a reader out there in blog land - not to mention any names Abbey ;)
I guess that I was a little lonely and a little frustrated during the last blog. But I realise that it's not a good mind set to keep dwelling on. Partly because that's not the attitude to have if i'm to DEVELOP close relationships with ppl. Also, life's too short to be unhappy for too long. It's been an interesting week. Don't know if I've been asking more stupid questions than usual or I'm just noticing it more this week. Oh well, i guess that it's just all part of growing up. I've got to have a few minor imperfections otherwise I'd be just too perfect ;)
It's Simon's birthday today. Who's simon? He's a dear friend of mine since HS. we're all going out, listening to some jazz and just hanging. He's 24 now. Oh my goodness! hmmm, don't know if I'm ready to turn 24.
I'm off to Mt Hutt tomorrow. I've hired a board and boots aaand managed to get some wrist guards thrown in too. The rental dude was nice. it's good to be a girl :D I'm looking forward to a fun filled day on the slopes. Woo hoo!

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