Monday, August 20, 2007


I was having a bit of a downer last week. I wasn't too happy or thankful for much. I did not really a good attitude at all until I went to a MAPP meeting on Thursday. What's MAPP?Hmmm, one day I'll explain it properly but til then; tt's this group where med students meet to talk and plan ways to take medical aid to developing nations. Sorta save the world with doing what we can, one human at a time kinda stuff. sounds cheesy (partly cos I've made it sound that way), but it was just the kick in the backside that I needed to remind me of why I'm where I am. Made me realise just how blessed I am to be in my situation.

I've learnt that the little, tiny annoeying things don't really matter. Oooh, I've thought of an analogy. This analogy is pretty much for everyone that it capable of reading this blog. 1- you can read! 2- you have internet access. And besides, I'm sure that there are more wonderful things in your life than this. Anyway... it's like we've been given a silver plater with a selection of over 1000 different delicately hand crafted appetizers. All beautifully created. We try the first few and they're just so delicious. Then after a countless number of treats, we come to one that looks promising, it's just as beautiful as the previous ones we've eaten. We place it in our mouths expectantly. Shocked, we find that it's actually a disguisting morsal that contains a nasty ingredient (e.g. goat cheese - I hate goat cheese!). Now, we can pull a tantrum and through the silver plater away or actually just grab another piece. Surely, it can't get any worse. Chances are, the new peice will wash away that disguisting taste. What I'm trying to say is, embrass life and all it has to offer. Don't throw it away because crap happens. If anything, be thankful for the unpleasant things, makes you appreciate the pleasant more. Stops you from taking good things for granted.

So, how am I doing? I'm very well thanks. Life is great. I'm really enjoying geriactric medicine. Old people (in general) are endearing. They sometimes require a lot of patience but most are absolutely lovely. I'm finding this rotation to be very rewarding. Not to say that I'm going to become a geriatrition but I'm not ruling it out. I guess it's a bonus that I'm enjoying what I'm doing at present.

1 comment:

Carina said...

Good analogy Thida. And yes I read your blog. You never know who is lurking!
