Tuesday, June 10, 2008

At the start of a new adventure...

I'm currently in the transit lounge at Sydney Airport on my way to Cambodia.

"Definitely Maybe" was the feature movie on the chch-syd flight. I'm so glad that I didn't get around to seeing it in the cinema. It was a great movie and just the chicken soup for the love bug that I needed. If you haven't already seen it, you should. It tells of a great story of life and all the wonderful love (and lost) that we encounter. That sometimes, it's not the person that we love that's wrong but the timing or vice versa. Also goes to show that you simply can't force it (Love/Life). It has inspired me to live life to the full, to travel to my heart's content and to pursue my dreams. You might not get the same message that I did but it's a good movie anyway.

So, transitting through Sydney was an experience this time around. I got stopped at Security! Me, what has the world come to? I've done lots of traveling and I've always been able to walk straight pass due to my innocent/ clean-cut appearance. How could anything dangerous come from me? I think I hide the rebellious side to me pretty well. hehehe. Their reasoning? "You look very young to be traveling alone, may I have your passport?" How silly! Sure enough, she was surprised to see how old I saw, HECK, I still get shock by my age. lol. I looked downstairs at them later on to find who their next suspect was - a dude with dreads. Hehehe, that's more like the prejudice that I'm use to seeing ;)

I'm excited about my adventure to Cambodia. I've never been there before. I am well equipt with insect repellent, sunscreen, Summer clothes and of course -the Lonely planet guide to Cambodia. My suitcase it fulled with NZ apples and a few other essential goodies (e.g. Chocolate) that I'm sure the locals (and myself) will appreciate.

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