Saturday, December 16, 2006

I'm overweight!

Yes, my trip to America has resulting in me being about 50pounds overweight. I was anticipating gaining a bit but not quite this much. It may come as a shock to some of you but I assure you that I'm telling the truth. Now... you're probably wondering how this happened. Well, it's partly the food (eg. Reese's pieces) but it's also cos of the random stuff that I've bought. You see, I was able to check in approx. 100 pounds worth of luggage for my trip (Sanfransico to Sydney), but I'm only allowed 23kg (50pounds) to take back to NZ (from Sydney).

I met up with Penny today. It was great to catch up with her. She's a friend of mine who's studying nursing in a graduate programme in Sydney. We went to a couple of markets in Sydney. There were lots of cool things (and very reasonably priced too). However, I wasn't too keen on gaining anymore weight. The great thing though is that she's heading back to Christchurch this Tuesday and she's taking 5kg of my stuff with her. Woo hoo!

I just need to somehow pack strategically and sneak in extra hand luggage. I've given about half of my candy to my family in Sydney so I've probably only have an extra 10kgs now. I think I can do it, there's hope :)

1 comment:

Abigail... said...

HAHAHAAH....clever. ;-)

And THAT'S why I got the voice mail from penny!?!

She misses me?! ;-)