Sunday, January 21, 2007


In response to Abbey's comment. Yes, life's already pretty exciting but it's going to get even better. I've got my first day in the hospital on wednesday then Jesse will be here for a couple of days THEN I start my clinical training. Woo hoo! How exciting. Real patients!

There is going to be lots of socialising in the first couple of weeks which will be great. I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone and seeing what they all got up to for the summer.

Last night after hanging out with Catherine (movie, dinner then pool), I came back home to find Danny and his friends playing drinking games. I joined in on the festivities. Danny told everyone that his little sister's a good girl. I behaved myself :D We went into town and Danny introduced me to a lot of guys and told them to look after if I was out and any guys were giving me trouble. I had a great night out but I wouldn't be keen to do it on a regular basis.

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