Friday, November 24, 2006

Abbey's Brithday

What a day! November 22nd might just be the highlight of my summer. Wow!
Abbey, Anna and I went to Houston for Abbey's birthday. Shopping there was definitely an experience to say the least. We all bought lots of great things. Abbey and I sent a small fortune. Anna was more well behaved HOWEVER she did pay for the hotel and the concert tickets and the birthday dinner. This was all for Abbey's birthday. What an awesome big sister hah?

The concert was amazing. The open act was really good. He was a local singer Levi Weaver But then there was this guy Kid Beyound who not only beat box but made all these sounds that I didn't think was possible for a human to do. It was insane! He had a loop box and made music using only his mouth. he imitates instruments like the base, the drums, symbols and the celo. How crazy is that? He did everything from hardcore house to a Portishead cover.

Somehow, Imogen Heap managed to out do Kid Beyond. She was adorable and and blew our mind with her talent and personality. Overall, we pulled of a fabulous concert. WE very very impressed.

This morning Abbey and I went to breakfast and found that we could watch the thanksgiving parade while sitting on the deeply setted window sillls because it went straight pass our hotel. We had such a great view.

I'm off now to a thanksgiving lunch.

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