Monday, November 27, 2006

My Thoughts

I came to the realisation of something quite obvious yet quite profound last night. My blog is called: "Thida's Thoughts" and not "Thida's regurgitation of her procedural memory". I'm sure that some of you may like the step by step walk through my life but that wasn't really the purpose of this blog.

The purpose of this blog is to stay in touch with you all but it is also suppose to serve another important purpose. This purpose is for me to be able to read it in the near (and distant) future and reflect on how I've grown as a person. Hopefully I will have. I've been so catch up in doing things in Texas that I've neglected to just be. Of course in order to "be" I need to actually "do" certain things but hopefully you all know what I mean.

One of the things I wanted was to read books that would feed my creative mind and also books that would help me to have a better perspective of my Creator. i've been neglecting my quiet times with God over the pass many days. Fortunately Abbey and I prayed together last night. We both really didn't want to, yet somehow we both knew that we really needed to.

It's ironic how sometimes when you least desire to prayer to God, it's when you need to the most. Thankfully we both knew this.

The rest of my holidays may or may not be filled with travel and outrageous adventure. I now don't mind either way. But hopefully what this holiday will mean is that I'll leave Texas knowing that I've been changed for the better. That I will have a better idea of; the Texan culture and lifestyle, who I am, God's purpose for my life and God Himself.

1 comment:

Em said...

awww...I LOVE YOU, THIDA!!!

i'm jealous of how much fun you guys are having!