Thursday, December 7, 2006

I'm awesome AND FAMOUS!

I'm in 'The Daily Sentinel' today. Ok, the article wasn't about me BUT... having your photo in the local paper is still an acheivement. Definitely something to be proud of! ;)

Abbey writes weekly articles for the paper and she needed a photo of someone wearing the NHS Alumnni shirt. So... I was her model. She didn't pay me a dime! I know, I'm used and abused by that woman!

Speaking of used and abused ;) I cooked for the in-laws tonight (Abbey's family). I had Abbey and Jeff to help me so dinner didn't require much effort at all. They all enjoyed the food and really appreciated that I SLAVED over a hot stove for them all. I know, I'm an awesome housewife!

Jeff and myself:

Mmmmm, yuuuummmmy! (honestly)

conversation amongst the cooks

My helpers did a beautiful job setting the table


Anonymous said...

it was sooooo yummy! thank you, little housewife!

Abigail... said...

Honestly! I feel like our time together has just FLOOOOWN by :-(

I'm going to miss you, and NOT just because you make the best Thai food ever. ;-)

Tda said...

You're very welcome anna. Remember, I can still cook for Ryan if you're keen. You just need to pay for transport and I'll cover the rest ;) Tickets are reasonably priced these days too. Hehehe

I'm opening this offer to you too Abbey :D
I'm going to miss having a spouse too. It's been fun, and I think that we've both become better people from this experience (my time in Nachodoches). I know, I didn't think it was possible for us to be even cooler, but I was wrong! lol