Tuesday, January 2, 2007

20 Questions about 2006

1) Where were you when 2006 began?
I was at "The Cusp". It's a big outdoor event in Nelson

2) What was your least favorite moment of the year?
Hmmm, packing up my room in Dunedin to move to Christchurch. I don't like packing

3) What was your favorite moment of the year?
I had so many great moments. This year has been awesome. Going to the states was definitely a highlight though

4) What did you do on your birthday, and how old were
Oh, on my actual brithday (Sunday 10th September), I was driving down from Christchurch back to Dunedin and I went out for Tepanyaki with Peter (my flatmate and little brother that I've adopted). But my brithday was celebrated numerous times that year. A friend threw a party for me in Christchurch on Saturday night. My lifegroup (bible study group) surprised me on Monday night. 2 guys from church showed up, one with a guitar and the other with a rose and askinging me to dance (long story). Then a birthday dinner later in the week. Good times. Oh, I'm 23

5) Were you in a relationship in 2006?

6) Did you breakup with anyone in 2006?
Yes - I trusted God even though I didn't fully understand His plans for me.

7) Did you make any new friends in 2006?
Sure did. Lots! Many of them are very dear to me now

9) What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your
memory, and why?
um, can't think of one

9) Did you travel overseas in 2006?
Yes, I went to Australia and America

10) What was the best book you read?
"Can Man Live Without God" by Ravi Zacharias

11) Did you miss anybody in the past year?
Yes quite a few people actaully, but that's ok. It just makes the heart grow fonder right?

12) What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2006?
The Prestige - it was enjoyable to watch and it required a bit of thinking

13) What was your favorite song from 2006?
"JUMP" (by the pointer sistes I think) It brings back fond memorys with Abbey. Dancing in her apartment, in her car and just being silly. It's good to be a girl :)

14) Who were you most thankful for in 2006?
God's blessed me with a lot of dear friends that have each played a special role throughout the year. I don't have a favourite :)

15) What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done
I stood in on heart surgery when I was in Tennessee. It was awesome!

16) What was your proudest moment of 2006?
During our last get together for the year with my lifegroup (bible study group) girls. We went out for dinner and bonded one last time before people started heading away. I could see how the girls had grown closer to God and to each other. How they had supported each other throughout the year and genuinely love each other. I felt so proud of them all and proud to be a leader. I was so scared at the begining of the year but God had it all undercontrol. Jess was such a blessing to have and it was great that she co-lead with me in the 2nd semester.

17) What was your most embarrassing moment of 2006?
In Sydney at my Aunt's place. Hmmm - I'd rather not get into it

18) What valuable life lesson did you learned in 2006?
God has everything under control and I need to trust Him more

19) What are your plans for 2007?
I plan to stop being such a slacker and actually do some study in my clinical years. I plan on cutting down on the number of parties that I go to each week as well (1-2 parties per week at most). I'm going to find a good church to set my roots into for the next 3 years.

20) What were you doing when 2006 ended?
I was sitting on a laziboy sofa in Richmond talking on the phone. I was too unwell to go out. It doesn't sound very exciting but I enjoyed myself. i guess that's the main thing right?

1 comment:

Nam said...

Happy New Year, Thida. I miss you heaps girl!!